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tv   Good Morning America Weekend Edition  ABC  April 23, 2017 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. this morning -- clash in the cabin. a new passenger weighing in on those tense moments on board an american airlines plane. >> hey, bud. if you do that to me, i'll knock you flat. >> i think he was overly aggressive. >> all escalating after a female passenger was brought to tears. and the stern response from the flight attendants union this morning. approval rating. our new abc news/"washington post" poll, how americans view donald trump's presidency. as he heads towards 100 days in office. is there any voter's remorse? where he's getting high marks and where he's facing criticism. wildfire battle. the state of emergency in florida. where more than 100 fires are scorching their way across the state right now. homeowners heartbroken.
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all they worked for up in flames. then reduced to rubble. the intense battles on the ground. and in the air. to get the upper hand. caught on camera. school bus emergency. look at this. the back door swinging open. a 4-year-old girl hanging on for dear life. and the driver in the right place at the right time. good sunday morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. we want to take another look at that video. a 4-year-old girl falling out of the back of a school bus. knocked unconscious. luckily, an emt who captured the video from the dash cam was right there. the little girl is okay this morning. happy to report that. we're going to have much more on that coming up on the show. >> hard to watch. but happy ending. can't emphasize that strongly enough. we want to start here with our top story. the just released abc news poll giving us an intriguing window
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presidency of donald j. trump. as he approacheds the end of his first 100 days. 42% of americans say they approve of what the president is doing. that is lower than any other recent president, who, on average, had a 69% approval rating at the 100-day mark. >> that said, there's very little buyer's remorse. amongst american who is voted for trump. look at this. 96% of them say they would vote for him again today. >> fascinating. the poll examines america's attitudes about all sorts of issues. only 34% of americans approve of him giving his daughter and son-in-law mayor -- major positions. >> 34% say it's not a substantial conflict for him to spend time at properties he owns, such as mar-a-lago in florida. >> we find david wright in washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan and paula. that first 100-day mark is generally considered the honeymoon period for any new administration.
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to build on momentum from a campaign victory. this new abc news/"washington post" poll finds that for trump, there is no honeymoon. president trump made his first visit to walter reed medical center this weekend, pinning a purple heart on a wounded soldier. at this point in his presidency, trump has the lowest approval rating of any modern president. lower even than gerald ford, right after watergate. and yet, 96% of trump's voters say they have no regrets. trump gets high marks for pressuring american companies to keep jobs here in the u.s. >> for too long, we have watched as our factories have been closed and our jobs have been sent to other faraway lands. >> reporter: nearly 3 out of 4 voters, including many liberals who are otherwise critical of trump, like that message. america first. >> we're going to defend our workers, protect our jobs, and finally, put america first.
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policy bright spots, too. >> tonight, i ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in syria from where the chemical attack was launched. >> reporter: 51% support his missile strikes against syria. and nearly half say he's handling the situation with north korea about right. and 50% disapprove of major changes he's proposed in federal spending. thousands of those critics took to the streets for earth day, saturday. taking part in the march for science, coast to coast. >> what do we want? >> all: science! >> when do we want it? >> all: now! >> reporter: trump, who just three years ago was dismissive of so-called earth day, fired back. insisting his administration is committed to keeping our air and water clean, to preserve our forests and lakes and open spaces.
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well, across the board, trump's ratings lag behind president obama after his first 100 days. but the poll is not good news for the democrats either. it finds that 2 out of 3 voters, 67% say that the party is out of touch with the concerns on most americans. dan, paula? >> it's an important point. no big winner in the poll for sure. we'll talk about that with george stephanopoulos. who is hosting "this week" later this morning. good morning. let's talk about the central dynamic of the poll. what emerges is that donald trump doesn't fare superwell. however, the people who voted for him, the ratings are stratospheric. how do you explain that? >> all through the campaign from the primaries straight through the general election, he had a core of supporters who is stuck by him no matter what. about 40%, 45% of the country. it was enough to win the election even though he lost the
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the big question now is, is it enough to govern effectively? can you get legislation through the congress when only your core supporters are standing by you? will they continue to stand behind him as he drifts away from the kind of populism we saw during the campaign? and if the economy goes south. he's being held up by the fact that most people think the economy is doing better than before. >> david wright just brought it up. 60% say the democratic party is out of touch with the concerns of america. that's more than they say about republicans and trump just 62%. >> and the fact that if you go back and rerun the election today, it shows donald trump would beat hillary clinton in the popular vote. that is a big red flashing light for democrats right there. very dispirited party right now. americans don't believe the democrats do any better on being in touch with their concerns. and that's a real predicament. >> we talked about this with matt dowd yesterday.
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what is your view of this 100 day landmark? on the one hand, he's calling it ridiculous. >> and saying he's doing better in the first 90 days than ever. we'll do a reality check on that claim on "this week." on the one hand, it doesn't predict necessarily how things are going to turn out. i was part of an administration that had some pretty big stumbles in the first 100 days as well. when the president left office, he had as high approval ratings as when he came in. i think the point david wright made is important. this is traditionally the honeymoon period. the time when the presidents have the most goodwill from the public and donald trump is starting in a pretty big hole. >> he certainly is. this new poll, washington not the big winner. george, thank you for joining us. you have a big show coming up. he'll be digging more into the new abc news/"washington post" poll on trump's first 100 days. he'll go one on one with jeff sessions. his first sunday morning interview as attorney general. all coming up on "this week." right here on abc.
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we do move on to the new details about what led up to this confrontation between a flight attendant and people on the american airlines flight. david kerley is at reagan national airport in washington. with more on what the video does not show. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. this morning, the union is questioning the action of that male passenger you were talking about. this incident a symptom of how the flying experience is changing. >> you can't use violence with baby. just give me back my stroller please. >> i think everybody was a little bit shocked. >> reporter: that mother, said to be from argentina, was boarding in san francisco, carrying a collapsed double-wide stroller down the aisle. the stroller reportedly ripped away by the flight attendant nearly hitting her baby. >> i think he was overly aggressive. it could have been done in a safer way. >> reporter: american airlines placed the flight attendant on leave.
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questioning the action of this man. >> hey, bud. hey, bud. you do that to me, i'll knock you flat. >> hey, you stay out of this. >> reporter: a passenger says he was coming to the defense of the crying woman and her child. >> you don't know what the story is. >> i don't care what the story is. you almost just hurt a baby. a baby almost got hurt. that's what just fired me up. >> reporter: the union released a statement saying, it appears another passenger may have threatened a flight attendant with violence, which is a violation of federal law and no small matter. this and other incidents a sign that jets are carrying more people and the rising tensions between passengers and crew. >> crews are getting on board and are being challenged by passengers like never before. and we have to keep order on board to keep everyone safe. >> reporter: but unlike the united case in which a passenger was dragged down an aisle to make room for a crew member, american airlines placed this flight attendant on leave, apologized, tt
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flight to make her connection, upgrading her to first class with a $1,000 voucher, and giving her a full refund. united did offer a full-throated apology with compensation, but that came a couple of days after that incident. as a for the male passenger on the american airlines incident, we spoke to him before the union questioned his actions. no word on whether he's being investigated. congress is investigating. will hold hearings about how customers are being treated on airlines. >> those ramifications, far reaching. david kerley, thank you. also this morning, there's a brand-new development in the rising tensions between the united states and north korea. >> an american is being detained in that country and bob woodruff is in seoul, south korea, with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, dan and paula. yes. it's been confirmed that another american has been arrested in north korea's capital, pyongyang, about 120 miles north
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from here from seoul. according to some reports, he was making his way out of the country. arrested at pyongyang's international airport. his name, so far is not known. the sweden embassy, america's only real connection to north korea's government has been told that he is a korean-american in his 50s. and had been in north korea for about a month, working on relief efforts. this detention comes as tension is really growing. north korea has launched missiles this year. they're still recovering from their failed test on march 22nd. also, the u.s.-south korea join training exercises are continuing over the korean peninsula. today's news marks the third detention of a u.s. citizen. by north korea in the past 16 months. one is otto warmbier. a student from the university of virginia. i did make a request to see him on our trip
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denied. kim jong-un is using these arrests as bargaining chips. dan and paula? >> bob woodruff, thank you. and back here at home, intense battles are going on in florida, which is under a state of emergency as wildfires are raging across the state. some of the most dangerous fires are destroying property and causing thousands of people to flee their homes. abc's maggie rulli is on the scene in florida. >> reporter: more than 100 wildfires are raging across florida, forcing thousands to evacuate and leaving homes destroyed. firefighters are tackling hot spots from the streets and in the air. they welcome the rain. a drizzle. that's helped slow the fire's rapid spread. but it's nowhere near enough to stop this massive blade in drought-ridden collier county. it's already charred nearly 6,000 acres. it's only 20% contained. near orlando in
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this fire racing through neighborhood streets. shoots flames up to 150 feet in the air. fire officials there saying they now suspect arson. >> it is strange that the fires are popping up where they're popping up. >> reporter: and in lee county, near ft. myers, that fire sparked by a cigarette is finally contained. not before leaving 400 acres and multiple homes behind in ashes. >> it jumped from one place to another. some houses were not affected at all. >> reporter: photos show josiel romero's family home before it was engulfed in thick smoke. intense flames. all that's left is its smoldering imprint and the charred remains of his pickup truck. his 15-year-old daughter was home alone when the flames came. >> she started panicking. she started crying. he was just devastated. she said dad, there's smoke everywhere. you can hardly see out here. >> reporter: josiel says he doesn't have any fire insurance anth
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telling us all he has left now are the clothes on his back. we have a bit of good news. we're getting plenty of rain this morning which will certainly help firefighters today. dan and paula? >> that is good news. a lot of other news. we go to ron claiborne. good morning, sir. >> good morning to you, dan and paula. diane. good morning the you, robert. why aren't you in central park? >> nice to see you. >> shouldn't you be outside, like, tracking the weather or something? all right. it's cool. >> moving on. >> good morning. we begin in france where voters are going to the polls right now to choose who will make it to the second round of balloting in the country, which would decide a new president. this days after the latest terror attack in france. alex marquardt is in paris. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, ron. voters have been filing in and rning. across france all ike we have just gotten the first turnout numbers. there has not been a more dramatic election in recent french history. of course, this i
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amid heightened security. france at the highest alert level because of the spate of attacks we have seen here over the last two years. some 50,000 extra forces in the streets today. so much of the focus on the far right candidate, marine le pen, whose campaign is compared to donald trump. she's vowed to crack down on immigration, on islam ix extremism, and promised to get france out of the european union. the question is, how will the attack on the champs elysees affect the race? some say it will strengthen le pen. others say it could push voters to francois fillon. who could be seen as a steady hand. we'll expect to see the first results around 8:00 p.m. the top two candidates from today go to the second round. to be held in two weeks in this election that could shake up the world order. ron? >> thank you, alex marquardt in paris. back in the u.s., convicted charleston church shooter dylann roof is now on death row. at a fer
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he was transferred to the facility in terre haute. that houses prisoners awaiting execution. the self-proclaimed white supremacist was sentenced to death for killing nine black parishioners at a church in 2015. the vacation is over for president barack obama. after spending most of the last three months on tropical islands, he's scheduled to host his first public events since leaving the white house. he's scheduled to talk to students on monday. this is the first in a series of public events he's planned in the next month. and actress erin moran, best known for her role on "happy days" has died. police found her unresponsive in her indiana home after receiving a 911 call on saturday, saturday afternoon. she was a television staple in the 1970s and '80s. erin moran was 56 years of age. some frozen hash browns are being recalled because they may contain pieces of golf balls. >> what? >> the potoe
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states under the harris teeter brand are being pulled because they could pose a choking hazard or cause injuries. mccain foods says the golf balls may have been inadvertently mixed up with the potatoes. don't ask how that happened. no injuries reported yet on that. and finally, move over kiss cam. there's a new lens in town. band wagon cam. fans of the 2016 world champ chicago cubs, remember them, being gently mocked at their game in cincinnati against the reds. this you see one. scoreboard showing the people in the cubs gear with subtitles saying cubs fan since 2016. just bought this shirt today. the last one, thought bill murray played for the cubs. the team and fans had the last laugh. the north siders won the game. that was friday night, actually. they won saturday again for good measure. look what i found. >> it used to fit perfectly. >> yeah, right. it's for you. >> oh, thank you.
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>> former chicago and cincinnati fan. right? >> that's right. i still root for the cubs. go, cubs, goo. >> rob is like, is it my turn yet? >> no threat of ron and i getting caught on the kiss cam. after that. >> it was a rhetorical question. >> we're on the marciano band wagon. >> i love you for that, as well. a couple of pictures for you out of northeast alabama, or northeast mississippi. on the alabama border. a reported tornado. tree damage, home damage, no injuries there. rain across the chattanooga area. one to two inches of rain falling there. and there's a swift water rescue happening. that gentleman hanging on to the telephone pole there. some rain across the southeast today. this is a slow-mover. it will continue to hit the brakes. flash flood watches. posted for eastern tennessee and parts of the carolinas. this low drives toward the coast. brings in more moisture. a two-day event. could see over six inches in spots. those are the national headlines.
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i think these helmets are used to put ice cream in there. yeah, you know. "pop news" i think we're getting food. whether or not it's ice cream? >> it is not ice cream. i will tell you that. but it's something to be excited about. i have another story for you now. i want to say this does end, everything is fine. these are those frightening moments caught on camera. that we showed you at the start of the broadcast. a little girl in a very dangerous situation saved by a stranger in the right place at the right time.
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in this dramatic dash cam video, you can see a bus driving down highway 65 in harrison, arkansas. suddenly, the back door of the bus flings open with a 4-year-old girl clinging to the door before she drops to the ground. her body rolls along the pavement. and the bus drives away without notings. ryan ciampoli, a licensed emt and volunteer firefighter was driving behind the bus. his dash cam caught the whole thing. >> i saw it happening and it blew my mind. i was kind of -- like i wasn't seeing what i was seeing. tion, picking her up from the road, cradling her in his arms. as the little girl finally regains consciousness. another woman grabs her phone and calls for help. >> we're in the middle of the state highway. so i couldn't leave her just laying there. so i had to pick her up and get her off the road. >> reporter: he moved her out of the road and laid her in the bed of a nearby truck in the parking lot.
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kicked in, in her little body, she started kicking and screaming, where's my mommy? things like that. that is really heart-breaking. it's tough to see and hear. >> ooh. >> and the little girl did break her jaw in that fall. but she has already had surgery to repair it. she's expected to be released from the hospital tomorrow. unbelievable in watching that video that that was her only significant injury. >> there's going to be a lot of questions about how this happened. >> how did it happen? >> that's the big question. how did it happen? how did nobody notice? what happened on the bus in reaction to that? but the timing, the fact that she just happened to be in front of an emt and firefighter who just happened to be driving behind. >> and no cars closely following. thank god she's okay. thank you, diane. for bringing us that story. again, positive ending. >> glad that she's okay and will be just fine. coming up on "gma" this sunday morning, the family of the missing tennessee teen, speaking out for the first time since their reunion. what elizabeth tho
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says about her state of mind. on a much lighter note. tinder says it's not just about hookups. they just put out a new survey. the company is releasing it. it's about people looking for love on tinder. and the tips they have if you're looking for a mate on tinder, too. we'll be right back. much more "gma" on this sunday morning. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, 'll replace the full lue of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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>> good morning. we have off to a cool start. right now the temperatures in the upper 40s. you will need a jacket stepping out. we are catching a break from the rain. clouds are lingering to the south and allowing for a few spotty showers no southeast maryland and looking good to the north of the metro. here is aoo
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60s, so a little below average for this time of the year. however, it is a nice break from all of the warmth from last week. this area of low pressure is going nowhere fast and producing the rain for the commute tomorrow and give yourself extra time and have a rain gear ready. be preparing for a few travel delays, the latter half of the week is looking quite nice.
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welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. happening now, approval rating. as president trump gets close to the end of his first 100 days in office, a just-released abc news poll shows trump has the lowest approval rating at this point in his presidency than any of his predecessors over the last seven decades. still, 96% of trump voters say they have no regrets and would vote for him all over again. sunday sightseeing in australia for vice president mike pence and his family. as they wrap up their ten-day visit to asia. the pences getting close to local wild life before heading to sydney har bower abor and th opera house there.
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monday. a new record for peggy whitson. at midnight, the oldest woman to fly in space clocked in 535 days in orbit. that's the most time a u.s. astronaut has ever spent in space. by the time she lands on earth in kazakhstan, her total will be 666 days. she has such a great reputation with nasa they refer to something called the peggy factor, which they mean just getting it done. >> kind of like the harris factor. just getting it done. >> which means sitting on the couch. >> no, it does not. it does not. also coming up, we're swiping right. or i'm here swiping right, how you see it. busting those tinder myths, how everything you think about the popular app tinder may be wrong and how to get more potential dates. stay tuned. first, family members of the runaway teen who went missing with her former teacher, they're speaking out for the first time since elizabeth thomas returned home. >> this, as tad cummins is expected to face a judge in a federal courtroom tomorrow. and abc's
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the story in tennessee. >> reporter: good morning, guys. elizabeth reunited with her family this weekend. her family, happy to have her home. the family of the missing tennessee teen speaking for the first time since being reunited. how is she doing? >> she's doing okay. she's healthy. she's -- glad to be back. but it's going to be a -- work in progress to get her back to the way we had her. >> reporter: 50-year-old tad cummins in fbi custody and facing federal charges after allegedly kidnapping elizabeth thomas and going on the run for over a month. >> her personality is there. it's just not all the way her. you kind of get this big feeling something's wrong. >> reporter: cummins expected in court monday morning. his wife, moving ahead with plans to divorce her husband of 30 years. >> she may be able to forgive him for what he did. but she does not condone his actions. >> reporter: the nationwide search beginning after cummins and thomas disappeared march 13th from columbia, tennessee. two days lat
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saying the pair stayed at a super 8 motel in oklahoma city, going to that walmart where they were caught on security camera. before going to a super 8. in guymon, oklahoma. making their way to california. in this remote cabin. >> this is the food i gave them. >> reporter: the caretaker seeing an amber alert poster calling authorities. >> someone showed me a picture. i was like, yeah, that was definitely the guy. >> reporter: he surrendered without incident. >> i mean, it was just a guy who saw a picture of them that's led to her being found. >> reporter: what would you say that that guy? >> well, he brought a family back together. that's one of the strongest things you can do. he's a hero in my book. >> reporter: and cummins is facing a long list of state and federal charges. taking a child across state lines alone carries a ten-year sentence. guys? >> it's good the hear elizabeth say she's glad to be back.
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this morning, eva. so, we know, rob, in florida, they're dealing with a lot of fires. they're getting help from mother nature right now. >> finally. you saw the rain falling earlier in the broadcast. it's not going last a whole lot longer. it's heads across the florida straits, maybe another inch or two. mostly across the southern part of the state. we're still in a severe drought across a very, very large area of that state. all right, we have been pretty quite over the last couple of weeks. relatively speaking, for april, weather-wise. we'll be turning turbulent here through wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday. a big trough out to the west. severe weather threat, probably for a three-day event here, as we go thursday, friday, saturday. also some heavy rain. and warming up ahead of the this thing. temperatures easily into the 90s across parts of the southeast. that trend is going to hold true, i think. above-average temperatures all the way through the first part of the weekend. west coast, looking dry. san diego, a little cooler.
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>> this weather report is brought to you by petsmart. a great sunday sitting on couch. or whatever it is you do after the show. >> it's how i spend every sunday. thank you. >> you do not. >> in a onesie. coming up on "gma," why a survey of the people using the dating app tinder may surprise you. tips you're looking for. if you're looking for dating success. >> are you going to be giving dating advice? >> no. you don't want that. from tears to cheers. a little girl's viral plea pays off. that's straight ahead in "pop news" with diane. girl's viral plea pace off. ♪ lucis a lucky dog. but not every pet is as lucky as lucky. so we came up with a little idea,
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start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™".
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the dating app tinder, fairly or unfairly, has a reputation for enabling users who are looking for casual flings. >> but it turns out we've had it wrong. a recent
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legitimately looking for love. nick watt with the dos and the don'ts. >> reporter: here's the headline, apparently 80% of tinder users are actually looking for a long-term relationship. really? tinder? the kind of instant reaction when you think of tinder, the instant reaction is, oh, that's just for hooking up. >> oh, my. >> our data tells you that you're wrong, nick. >> reporter: that's in-house sociologist. this is their survey. if you had discovered tinder users have zero interest in commitment, you would have kept that to yourself? >> i think as a social scientist i have a responsibility to the public to talk about data that is meaningful and accurate. >> reporter: the photo, education, and age, is what people care about most. 82% of men on tinder believe fidelity is important. among offline daters, 71%. >> all the myths about modern dating are real hooey. >> reporter:. tips for tinder
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>> do not wear hat on tinder. you're hiding your eyes. glasses lead you to be less swiped right on why 15%. smile. you signal that you're kind and approachable. you increase your likelihood of being swiped-right on by 14% >> reporter: what will tinder look like in ten years? >> you may be walking down the street and siri or the tinder assistant speaks in your ear and says, shawn, there's a girl down the street we think you might be interested in. you're both free tomorrow night do you want me to set up a date? what happens after that is the same thing that shakespeare has been talking about. >> reporter: for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> clearly, i have never been on tinder. when i say swipe right, i'm going the other way. how do we swipe again? >> maybe you've been on there rejecting a bunch of people. >> that's what i've been doing wrong the whole time. coming up on "gma," before we endanger anybody's marriage. here's what's coming
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he's a hip hop legend, a brep neuro, a hip hop legend, a philanthropist. what is the secret? miss. what is the skeek receipt? see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur.
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see me. see me. on my way. nd clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. is thno, it's, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. you really wouldn't like it.
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i like caramel and crunchy stuff. breyers gelato indulgences. it's way beyond ice cream.
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♪ time now for the "weekend download." we have a big guest this week. i'm here with russell simmons, who has written a bunch of books about living happy and healthy including superrich, success through stillness, and the happy vegan. russell, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. good morning. >> one tip is yoga. you say that's been a huge part of your life. >> oh, for sure. i built a yoga studio in l.a. i love this practice. i believe that moving di
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is great for everyone. i mean, we have scientists telling us the benefits. they go on forever. including reversing the aging process. so yes, woe we should do the physical practice of yoeg fwa daily. >> you talk about seated meditation. how does that do down when you talk to people about yoga? some people write it off as weird. >> i teach to it kids in prisons or difficult school systems or -- people at goldman sachs. i teach to it everyone. it changes everyone's life. there's so much research on that. what it does for the brain. and how it strengthens your life. how it makes you smarter. happier. happier is key. so it's got so many benefits. there's no denying it's necessary. we should meditate 20 minutes every day. there was a great teacher who said, if you can't do 20 minutes, you should do two hours. >> i love that quote. i'm
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finally another piece of advice. i think this is great. a way to be successful and this is counterintuitive is to be of service to other people. >> yeah, good karmic work is very critical. give others what you want for yourself. give the happiness, freedom, opportunity that you want for yourself to others. and that promotes happiness for yourself. it's basic rules. it's written in scripture. by all the prophets all over again. different color, same rap. you should give others what you want for yourself. it's a part of our own quest for happiness, to give happiness. >> russell simmons, we're lucky to have you on a weekend morning. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> if you want to hear more, listen to the 10% podcast. "pop news" is up next.
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daughter: uh oh. irreplaceable monkey protection. detergent alone doesn't kill bacteria, but adding new lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect. so i use excedrin.ments from my life. it starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. and it works on my symptoms, too. now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] save 40% on paints and stains, april 21st through the 24th. color is just around the corner! find your neighborhood store at
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ykeep you that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. yeah, i just saved a whole lot of money by to geico. we should take a closer look at geico... you know, geico insures way more than cars. boats, motorcycles... even rvs! geico insures rvs? what's an rv? uh, the thing we've been stuck on for five years! wait, i'm not a real moose?? we've been over this, jeff... we're stickers! i'm not a real moose? give him some space. deep breaths, jeff. what's a sticker?!? take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. the toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse.
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p the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. new parodontax toothpaste.
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♪ al
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a big heated debate in the break about whether diane's dress is teal or green. >> i called it teal earlier. now i thing -- think it's green. >> teal is a shade of green. >> it looks blue on the monitors. >> it's green with a little bit of blue in it. >> it's beautiful. >> it's -- yes.all we do "pop news "? >> an adorable internet video sthat for once has nothing to do with babies or animals. this one, instead, focuses on kelly clarkson. a friend surprised her with a birthday scavenger hunt. a very exciting message and a priceless reaction. >> we're going on a girl's trip, we're not telling you where yet. >> what? >> going on a girls' trip with all the ladies. >> we're leaving tomorrow night. >> and you won't -- >> what? >> and your sister and your mom are coming. >> and there's supposed to be -- >> oh, i'm going to cry. >> i think it's safe to say
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trip. kelly's birthday is tomorrow. we're hoping she'll share pictures. we love kelly clarkson. we want to see more of that. >> that's the big takeaway dan has. >> a birthday scavenger hunt. >> i love her. she's so comfortable in her own skin. i love her. >> that video makes me love her more. australian radio hosts hamish and andy are making the rounds on facebook thanks to their new car. more importantly, what they did with it. >> good luck, buddy. >> a check. >> here we go. >> it's cold. >> oh, oh. >> my car! my beautiful car! >> what is that? >> they go through the entire car wash. they even challenge the giant squidy octopusy things. they go through the giant blow dryers at some point. when they come out, they say the car has ne
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the guys, on the other hand, you can decide. they had fun at least. the video racked up a million views. people are just loving this. and no one likes to see a little girl cry. in this story, those tears saved the day. it all started when 5-year-old madison wallace's dog, buddy disappeared. her mom took to facebook with this video of her daughter pleading for help. >> please bring him home. >> she says if you find this white missing dog, please bring him home. the video has been viewed over 9 million times. just two days later, here's the reunion. turns out a woman found buddy and then heard from someone who saw the video that the dog belonged to this family. >> i'm really happy that he's home. >> a lot to celebrate. the next step, they said, is to get buddy micro chipped. to try to prevent this from happening again. >> good call. speaking of celebrating, today national english muffin day.
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today, thomas' is getting us started with the bacon buttermilk pancake muffin. >> is there anything that doesn't have a holiday? >> don't question the free food, dan. >> not for food, when it comes to us. we have a special english muffin splitter. they say the best way is to do it with a fork, not a knife. >> i didn't know there was such thing as a splitter. >> yeah. you want to save the nooks and crannies. they're called english muffins. they're a variety of the english crumpet. >> are they called english muffins in england? >> yes. yes, they are. no, they're just muffins there. this is making up for our knowledge of the war of 1812. >> i don't know if i can do this. i just like a pure, unadulterated, english muffin. i feel like i'm cheating on the english muffin. >> it doesn't taste that different. >> oh, it's food. >> before we go, by the way, thank you for the food. that's all we have for now. george has a big show coming up soon. including
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news/"washington post" poll on trump's first 100 days. coming up on "this week." right here on abc. thank you again, everybody. thank you for watching. see you next weekend. see you next weekend. >> good morning. we are starting out with the sunshine in maryland and the temperature there 47 degrees. definitely a mix of the clouds and sun out this morning. now the temperatures a little on the cool side and waking up we started in the low 40s in winchester and 46 now. as you step outside later today, take a jacket
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wet weather. the gray to white shading now move to the south of dc and for the most part it is a dry day. the temperatures into the low 60s. a few degrees below the average and mix of clouds and sun. run the errands today, the low pressure is just hard to get out of her. by later tonight 8:00 the showers are moving in and coming down heavy tomorrow morning. it is going to be a soggy commute monday. give yourself plenty of extra time. a break monday night and more showers are moving in on tuesday and then this low finally moves out of here by the middle half of the week. wednesday is looking great for the outdoor activities and high of 74. then we are jumping int
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by thursday. maybe a stray shower or thunderstorm but feeling warm and humid. much of the day on thursday will be dry. sunshine on friday with the highs in the low 80s. a warm and rather humid weekend coming up next weekend. a shower on saturday. but for the most part, we are looking quiet later half of the week. have a great end to the weekend.
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woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me.
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starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. >> from this day forward, it's going to be only america first. >> reality check. after promising so much so fast, claiming victory again and again. >> i got it done in the first 100 days. you think that's easy? >> what has trump really accomplish snd the surprising answers from our team of reporters. expert analysts. and our brand-new poll. and now, with that day of judgment fast approaching -- >> it's going to be great. it will happen. >> what does trump have planned for his final 100-day surprise snmplgt we'll be having a big announcement on wednesday. plus, one of trump's earliest most influential


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